Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Being a National / Global Detective

You are a national/global detective searching for items around your home that have connections to Canada or from another country?

Discuss the item, where it is from, its function and its connection to you and your family. Each student is encouraged to share at least one item.


  1. One of the item is a Chinese cup. It is from China and it's functions, is that you drink from it. The connections to my family is that we got it from a friend in China. Another item is a lamp that is made from the US. It's functions are lighting up the room when it is dark. The connections to my family is that we had this lamp for a long period of time meaning that our ancestors used it for lighting the way to different places.

  2. One of my items is a Mexico soccer jersey. It was sold and made in Mexico and its function is to wear when ever you would like. The connection to my family is that it was a present from my mother so that i could remeber where she was born and where many of my extended family lives. I got this item when i was 8 and have kept it ever since.

  3. One of the items in my house is a decorative wooden map of Angola. This wooden map was gift from my Uncle who just came back from Angola. This is a very special map because it shows all the provinces in Angola, Therefor this map means a lot to me because it show's where both of my parents are from and where most of family lives.

  4. One of my items from somewhere else in the world is a kaftan from Egypt. It was hand sowed and crafted in Egypt and it's function is to wear as a dress. The connection to my family is that we are a multicultural family and are open to new things by traveling to exotic places to have diffrent experiences.

  5. One of the items I found was a antique British pocket watch but it was made in china. The use of the item is to tell time. The pocket watch relates to my family because we are British and Chinese and the watch has a England flag and I am proud of my British background.

  6. My item is my laptop. It was made in and from china. It gave me entertainment every day, even though i was only allowed to play half an hour. Its connect to me, is that it was a gift my grandpa, when i was in grade 1. When i got it, i was very excited, because that is the only electronic beside our TV, after my mom left and immigrate to Canada.

  7. One of my items in my house is a small statue with a Vietnamese flag on it. Our family uses the item as a directions and representing where we are from (Vietnam).The connection that this items has to our family is that is was hand crafted in Vietnam and was given to us by my grandma who brought it the capital of Vietnam,also he represent a famous person in Vietnam and most of all represent where our family comes from.

  8. One of my items is my guitar it was made in Indonesia, it's function is to play music and entertain, it's connection is that we all have leaned how to play instruments and really like the sound of the guitar. Another item is

  9. The item that I have chosen is a wooden jewelry box. I got this jewelry box from Italy. It is used for me to store and organize my jewelry. This item relates to my family and I because I am from Italy and It was assembled and designed their.

  10. One of my items I have is a bracelet, that was made in China. I got it as a gift from my parents. It's function is to wear it. This item relates to my family because my family is from China.

  11. The item I have is an authentic hand drum from South Africa. My grandparents brought it back from South Africa in 2008. I use this drum to make music and have some fun. This has a connection to my family because part of my heritage is from South Africa and it means something to me to have an Authentic instrument from there.

  12. An item that i have is a mini elephant statue that i got from my grand parents when they traveled to turkey.i use it as a decoration that i place on my ledge for everyone to see.

  13. The item i have chosen is a glass sculpture, i got it when i was in England from a special glass store. My dads side of the family is all from England, it is used as a peice of house decor. The store i got it from is only in England and it's not a chain so this item is special because it's one of a kind.

  14. the item I have is a sher-wood hockey stick and you can get it in different colours such as black white and red it says right on the stick its made in canada. its a connection to me because I play rep hockey and i've used sher-woods before. it relates to my family because most of my family members play and or have played hockey before and they used sher-woods to.

  15. The item chosen is some pearl necklaces, I got it when I was visiting my cousin in China and we visited a shop that was selling really nice looking pearl necklaces. The function of this item is to wear it. It's connection to me or my family is that it reminds us of my cousin because she was the one that bought us to the shop.

  16. An item I have that has a connection to a different country is a miniature jewelry box my cousin bought for me when she was in Spain. This box was handmade in Granada, Spain and I use it to store small rings or earrings. This item connects to me because it was given to me by my cousin who is fluent in Spanish and went to Spain as part of her university course.

  17. The item I have chosen is a England soccer jersey that my uncle gave to me from England. It shows my heritage because all of my family is from England and I am very proud to be English. It is also special to me because it was my first jersey and I got it when I was 6 years old.

  18. An item I have that has a connection to a different country is a jar you could keep whatever in it but we use it for special items we got this jar from India. We got this pot from a pottery store on the street. The people in India who don't have a living see their products that they make by hang and it becomes useful to people need something to hold their items.

  19. In my household I found a Activator lotion that was made in the U.S.A. This was made because they need a moisturizeing fir there skin.

    1. It was functioned in the U.S.A and then shiped to Chicago then ship to Canada which then ended up with a company named RAMONI.

  20. An item that I have is a cup. It was gifted to me by one of my cousins as a farewell gift when I was about to leave from Vietnam. It is a cup with picture of me and my cousins together during our (family's) trip,and, you can only see the pictures when the cup has a hot liquid inside of it. For example, hot chocolate will be able to show the picture from the cup. It is connected to me and my family because it holds memories of me, my family, and relatives on the cup. Since it is made in Vietnam, it is also related to me because one of my two background is Vietnamese.

  21. in my my house hold i have a Easton baseball bat it says on the handle made in USA it relates to me because i play double A baseball and when my dad was little he used Easton bats to n

  22. An item the I found was a calender, that is a gift that we get every year from my Korean grandparents. They highlight any important/special day's like birthdays, celebrations Etc. Every year we get one from them and it gets mailed from their house in Korea to use.

  23. An item that is globally made is a decorative cup from Finland. It's function is now just a decorative piece, but before it was passed down to my family my Grandmother used for party's or holidays. On my dads side he is from Finland, the cup was bought in Finland and when my Grandma moved with her family over to Canada it has been passed down ever since.

  24. The item I chose is a handcrafted wax candle holder, its a figure of a hippie holding a peace sign. My grandpa got it from Germany and gave it to my mom when she was a teenager and my mom gave it to me. Its a pretty important object that I own because It represents something I believe in..Peace.

  25. The item I found was a map of England.The function of the item is to use it as a map. The connection I have with this item is that my moms side of my family is from England.

  26. An item that I found in my house was a toothpick holder which was from Vietnam, and the function of the item is to hold toothpicks. The connection that me and my family have to this item is that most of my dad's side and mom's side (mostly my mom's) of the family is living in Vietnam, so looking at the toothpick holder, it reminded me of the other members of my family in Vietnam.

  27. An item that I found in my house was a cool imprinted staff/walking stick from South Africa. The function of it is to help someone walk if they cant by themselves. It connects to my family because it was bought by my great uncle who died and it was a gift to my dad when he returned to South Africa.

  28. An item I found in my house was a souvenir from Prince Edwards Island. What it's used for is decoration. The connection I have with this item is that my friend went to PEI over the summer and she got me a souvenir it's special to me because she gave it to me for my birthday.

  29. The item that I found was my fishing rod that I got as a present. It is used for me to catch fish when I go fishing. The connection that I have with this item is that my grandfather gave it to my for Christmas.

  30. The item that i found was a peace of native canadian art that was a gift to my mom from her mom the connection i can make is that this was a product that was truly made here not just a fake from a big factory and that its one of a kind.

  31. One item i found at my home was a bag i got in Hungary. Its function is carrying this in it so you don't have to carry it in your bag. It's connections are that i got it from Hungary in a store with my cousin which is the country i am from and i don't go there often and it is very special to me.

  32. My item is my Wilson tennis racket.its function is when I play tennis,the connection with this item is when my friend gave it to me for my 9th birthday

  33. I got a snow globe from P.E.I. It is special to me because I got it on the first family road trip. We went to a lot of different cities and it was amazing. We rented a house for a week in P.E.I. The house was awesome. We went swimming on the beach and saw a lot of weird creatures.

  34. he items i have in my house hold is from boston and i am sure it was made in boston. i have been to lots of places in the usa like cape cod in massachusetts when i was on my trip and i went swimming with my brother at the pool and beach in cape cod.

  35. In my house we have a small wooden elephant. It is connected to my family because my uncle is a pilot and one time he bright it back from Africa with him. It is connected globally because it was hand made in Africa.

  36. In my house, I have two photo album of our family when we are in China.This is connected to my family because this album shows pictures when we were small so it bring backs lots of memory for us so to our family,this album is very important to us

  37. one thing i found in my house was a columbian soccer jersey the my sister got when she went to columbia with her friend. its function is to wear it.

  38. An item in my house that connects to our family is a vuvuzela. The vuvuzela is made in south africa and it's function is to blow it and it will make a horn sound and you do that for cheering at sports or any celebration in south africa. It connects to me and my family because it was a gift from someone, to my mom and now it's also, ours too.

  39. One item that I found was a roll of tape.The tape roll was made in St.Laurent Quebec. It is clear tape that could be used for anything.

  40. An item which is in my house is a mini Eiffel Tower figurine which I got in France. But, it was made in China, not France, which was disappointing. It is used in my house as a decorative piece, and it is my brothers. It connects to me and my family because it's from a family vacation we went on.

  41. An item that I chose was a a mini cross figurine which my grandmother brought me back from Italy but, it was made in Bethlehem. It connects to my family because we are Italian and Catholic. The function of the cross is to symbolize God.

  42. An item in my house that has a relation to a different part of the world is a book my grandparents gave me from Australia. The book is called "Draw Aussie Animals" and it is important to me because I don't get to see my grandparents very often and they gave it to me.
